Why Juno is an excellent movie

Zulaika Zulkephli
3 min readSep 5, 2020

There’s something really comforting about a story that is just a story. It’s not a metaphor, or a bait-and-switch, or something overly complicated. Simply put: it’s not trying to be something else. Before I continue, I’ll say that this movie does look the part of a quirky indie film with lots of white people, and in a lot of ways it is but it does this in a very non-contrived and honest fashion.

Juno is about a 16-year-old girl who gets pregnant and decides she doesn’t want to keep the baby but wants to find a good home for her child.



Zulaika Zulkephli

*this is a placeholder* Just had to write something to avoid another existential crisis.